Analyze your Niche and Competitors

 Market analysis


If you would be successful with SEO something very important for your business or blog, it is important to make sure you not only analyze your niche but also your competition. This is where you get to know what you are clearly doing, your target market/audience and all the traits of your business. Analyzing competition, on the other hand, gives you the chance to beat them when it comes to SERPs. You need to understand how competition works, know their strengths, prey on their weakness and even copy a few things from them if you really want to emerge on top of the search engines. Some of the SEO tips you can explore when it comes to this include:

Find out who they really are

This is a very important step if you want to beat the competition as you must know who they really are. Take your time and research to find out the big names in your niche. If you are dealing with a pretty popular niche it is easy to find a readymade list of them by simply searching on Google. Come up with a list of up to 20-50 and use them for your case study.

Visit and analyze the competitor sites

Once you have a list of the sites that you are supposed to study, the next step when it comes to SEO tips is to actually visit them to know what they are offering so that they can be easily analyzed. Some of the things you should be on the lookout for include whether the site has been designed professionally, the kind of content they are dealing with, whether they make use of dynamic or static URS among many others. This gives you a general idea of whether they give off an expert vibe and why search engines really love or dislike them.

Study the keywords that the competition uses

Keywords are a very important aspect when it comes to SEO. It is, therefore, important to study the type of keywords that the competition uses and how they work for them. This comes in handy especially for people who are having difficulties choosing the keywords to use as you can get an idea of the keywords that will be used to set you apart from the crowd. While you are at it, check out the keyword density to know what you are supposed to use on your site.

Look at the backlinks the competition is using

Among the SEO tips that you should take advantage of when dealing with issues in regards to analyzing completion and niche is to look at the backlinks that the competition is making use of. This is vital as the links are the backbone of SEO. Look at how many links the competition uses, their origin, anchor text and any other information you are able to gather from them. Here you might also get some ideas on where to get high-quality backlinks that can help you out a great deal in terms of SEO rankings.

Evaluate the competitions presence on social media

Social media cannot be ignored when it comes to SEO as it tends to bring in a lot of traffic to a site. For this reason, you also need to check the performance of competition on social media. This may prove to be a little difficult, but you can start with social bookmarking that can be used for research. Look at some of the major sites to see if the competition has made posts here and how popular they are. Facebook and Twitter are among the major social media sites that pull huge amounts of traffic and you should check the profiles of the competition to know what they are up to.

Try and make sure you cover all the aspects of SEO when analyzing competition and niche according to SEO if you want to get invaluable information that will help you shoot all the way to the top. This is where you need to look at things such as their page rankings on Google and how they perform on sites such as Bing or Yahoo. In addition to this, it also helps to look at how the competition uses PPC ads as this also helps to drive traffic to websites.