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SEO In Google VR- The Newest Search Engine Trend!

SEO In Google VR- The Newest Search Engine Trend!

Google VR has been established and ever evolving ever since it’s introduction. Known for their passion and never-ending innovative nature, Google has begun experimenting with the beginning stages of implementing SEO with Google VR. Here’s what you should know about this newest search engine trend:

Earlier this year, Google has moved on to create a method that involves embedding 360 degrees VR media (for headsets) in search engine optimised web pages that are accessible through desktop or mobile. Meaning to say, VR videos/images and experiences meant for VR headsets can now also be optimised for searching and accessing directly from Google. It can be experienced on PCs and mobile without requiring the use of mobile apps. This newly created innovation actually brings about quite an opportunity for online search marketers from various industries.

As of the moment, Google VR View (for the web) fully supports 360 VR through Google cardboard devices, through desktop and mobile users without VR headsets will have their VR view pages be displayed as a default “magic window” that is accessible for browsers, search engines and mobile apps. Alongside the rise of interest in VR technology, the Google VR View was released as an attempt to adapt to the fascination. Just based on global search interest on VR alone, there has been a dramatic increase of about 300% just last year, peaking to new heights in June 2016.

This can also be interpreted in the increase of viewer engagement, interaction, shares, subscriptions, time on page and other positive factors regarding 360 VR content. Search engines have begun to interpret this interest and signs as qualifying for the status of quality content, thereby proving that VR content are ultimately beneficial when it comes to rising in search engine result rankings.

Passionate entrepreneurs and corporations are encouraged to try out creating quality VR content as a means to tap into new potential and increasing their search engine result prominence. Capturing and stitching VR media together is no longer out of reach, with affordable options and resources to do so. In addition, there are free apps that entrepreneurs can use to capture 360 videos and images, for example- the Google Street View or Cardboard camera. Google’s VR View also supports CGI solutions! Corporations can now make use of VR view to embed and promote VR media/content on their own website directly, and even share it on social pages. This significantly improves user experience with the ease of access.

One thing to note about VR SEO however, is that search engines generally do not index video files that are directly in search results. What they do, is index the URLs of pages that the video content is accessible. Make sure to embed your VR file in a mobile friendly page that is able to load quickly, optimise your URLs for search and include keywords in URLs for the relevant files. Much like regular SEO, you will need a descriptive title, meta description and heading tag. In addition, make sure that you add short captions under the “magic window” for your content. Make sure that your captions accurately describe the subject matter of your VR content.