5 Things To Take Note Of For WordPress Website Text

When it comes to a website, the text is considered the ‘meat’ of your whole package deal. It plays an important factor and you have to make sure you have it legible, yet compliment your overall website design. Here are some things you should take note of when it comes to the text of your wordpress website: Spacing Legibility is […]

5 SEO Misconceptions To Clear Up

When it comes to SEO, it often takes time to come up with SEO practices and track it’s progress. Fortunately, with so many people constantly coming up with new SEO practices, you don’t have to wander around it blindly. Save yourself some time by avoiding these 5 SEO misconceptions: 1. Google Plus A lot of people unfortunately seem to have […]

5 Steps In Designing A WordPress Website For Mobile

Since a large percentage of internet users are from mobile users, it is important to make your wordpress website as mobile responsive as ever in order to cater to these users too. Here is how you can begin designing your mobile friendly wordpress website: Prioritise To help the contents of your website load quickly on mobile phones, prioritise the contents […]

5 Steps In Designing A Good WordPress Landing Page

A good wordpress landing page is essential to the success of your wordpress website, and it is crucial that you identify what you need in your landing page before allowing your website to go live. Here’s 5 steps in designing a wordpress website with a good landing page: 1. Branding Remember, branding plays a large part on your website. You […]