Ways for Ensuring the Security of the WordPress

WordPress training is much necessary for ensuring the security of your WordPress blog. WordPress is one among the most popular platforms that support self hosted websites and blogs. It is an amazing tool that can really make your website and blog work in good manner with all the good and engaging contents that you post. The WordPress has always tried […]

How to Change The Number of Blog Posts Shown On Home Page

Your blog’s homepage is the most important page of your blog as it is the page that gets the most exposure and traffic. Each and every blog post may vary, depending on the topic, and this might cause some problems with your overall design. Even more, displaying too many elements and posts on your blog’s homepage may increase page loading […]

How to Manage Banner Ads

Managing your banners, affiliate links and advertising in general can be loads of work if you do everything manually. WordPress is pretty much straightforward and easy to use, but if you do not use a plugin to help you out with advertising, you’ll have to do everything on your own. Fortunately, there are many plugins to help you set tracking […]

How to Add Social Media Platform Button In Your Post

Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Google + have become extremely popular, allowing individuals to be more connected to the content they like and other websites, as well. WordPress is an extremely versatile platform, which can help individuals share content of any sort easily, so that they can enjoy this activity to the fullest. Whether we talk about WordPress-hosted […]

How to Customize Your WordPress Dashboard

WordPress is one of the most versatile platforms available on the Internet, enabling individuals to easily configure every single function in order to customize their websites as desired. Due to its ease of use, all users will be able to successfully customize the WordPress dashboard as desired using a few essential steps that are necessary in order to attain the […]

How to Show Pleasant Comments Made On Your Site

Known as one of the best platforms for building websites, WordPress offers individuals countless options and features they can use in order to successfully customize them and enhance their functionality, as well. Moderating the comments others make on your website might be substantially easier than you can actually think, particularly because WordPress provides ease of use to all individuals, regardless […]

How to Add or Delete Categories

WordPress is probably one of the most accessible and versatile platforms on the Internet, enabling all individuals to create websites that can be successfully customized as desired. In today’s lesson, we are going to talk about post categories and how they can be added or removed. Thankfully, no coding or programming skills are actually necessary, and all individuals, regardless of […]

How to Upgrade WordPress and Themes

According to WordPress training providers automatic up gradation of WordPress and themes is important due to a number of advantages including easy support, safer up gradation, less chance of hacking and customers’ satisfaction. Automatic Up Gradation of WordPress Sometimes it becomes difficult to upgrade or update WordPress and plugins into a new version without disclosing the information of your FTP […]

How to Use WordPress Widgets in The Sidebar

WordPress offers all users great features they can use in order to build extraordinary websites, coming with ease of use and adjustments that can allow you to customize your website as desired. WordPress widgets are extremely popular and they can be used in order to enhance the functionality of a website, so that they can make navigation easier and more […]

How to Customize Your Theme Menu

WordPress is probably one of the most versatile platforms on the Internet, enabling individuals to build websites easily and without problems. Customizing your theme menu is probably one of the most important processes that you should go through in order to enhance your website’s appearance and make it easily navigable for all visitors. Whether you use a WordPress-hosted domain or […]

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